Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Evscope Working Indoors

Evscope Working Indoors: Success & the Greatest Excitement!
I never gave up, and in working more with the Evscope (indoors today of all things), I made super progress getting it to work indoors, with several discoveries on my own, none covered in the manual or guides or online forums... and even got the telescope to form images in the house!!!

Soon, if clear tonight, I may have the Smart Telescope fully working and taking sky images with First Light. Here's what I found to get the eVscope working:

* There was a problem with iPhone standard evscope app on the App store. It does not work. You need to select a different app. Choose the optional one for developers with the 1.06 version that says utilities, and which states this is the latest version.

* First, when you start the telescope, the power button will turn purple and you must hold down the power switch long enough until it remains purple. Then release and monitor the color for about 5 minutes until it turns red. This is the boot time for the telescope. When red, the telescope is ready.

* Next, access the phone to activate the Wifi and select the Evscope Wifi signal. Pay no attention to the warning that internet is not connected. You don't need internet to operate the telescope, do observing and imaging. Quickly launch the Evscope app and the telescope will connect.

* When connected the telescope icon view will be see, see photo above, and the telescope will be in Live View mode with tracking off.

* Then, using the joystick controls, tip the telescope down a little to see stars. Then press the bullseye icon add it will begin to activate Sky Tracking.

* Now with Sky Tracking on, you can move to the next icon (the ringed planet with 3 stars, and then select goto the first star. This is to focus on a bright star and you can use the Bahtinov mask for a perfect focus.

* After focus, you can goto the object you desire, and select Enhanced Vision where the scope will take 4 second exposures and continue to add together until the image becomes better and better, some even to the point of significant color.

* When the image is fully cooked, based on your taste, it can be saved through the menu with the square icon.

* Also as a backup, I would highly recommend using apple iphone screen print to save the image of the entire phone screen. As seen in the screen capture photo above, the image will be in a nice rectangle format but without the text data.

TIP: You might be able to turn the iphone or ipad sideways which will create a larger image for screen capturing. Orientation may also remove the app icons from the face of the image which is greatly desirable for an unobstructed photo.

TIP: How to iPhone screen capture. Left side, press the volume up button and the right side button at the same time.

Tip: Turn on iPhone flashlight
Swipe fast from top right to bottom left & see flashlight icon

* Pinch the image to get progressive zoom and larger images which can also be saved but only through screen capture.

* Alas, when you go to the menu to park the scope, it will automatically move to the home position (tube up and down with the mirror at the bottom) and shut itself off automatically.