Saturday, August 15, 2020

Planet positioning for Evscope

Planet Positioning for eVscope
Deep Sky Week Soon Arriving

For this period in time, between the am and pm sky, it's possible to image all the planets. This includes Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Mars in the am sky and Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter in the pm sky. The eVscope is perfect for this planet marathon in one night using its GOTO feature. Given the current levels of intermittent haze, Pluto may be a more challenging object to capture. The planets Jupiter and Saturn are rapidly moving away from the available sky on the balcony so we hope the eVscope arrives in time to do imaging of these favorable conditions. According to contrary belief, the Unistellar scope will capture rings of Saturn, phase of Venus, color of Uranus and Neptune, and multiple belts encircling Jupiter. There is also a whole gamut of moons to capture as well. As the Moon is becoming a dimmer and dimmer thin crescent moving into New Moon phase, this coming week will be ideal for deep sky imaging.