Saturday, August 22, 2020

Evscope Anomalies

The latest offering from Unistellar Optics is this massive all electronic 22-inch dob which
sets on a plastic alt-azimuth mount of John Dobson design. We are trying it out for beta
testing. It performs 100 times more powerful than a classical telescope which makes it
much like a 2,200-inch gigantic light bucket scope. It penetrates light pollution, concrete
walls and sides of mountains through redundant para-refractive indexing. Ok, just joking.
Unistellar eVscope
First Light is this 16 second exposure of the Helix
Nebula. The Enhanced Image app function crashed
before the exposure was complete and the Helix is
absent in the photo. By comparing the stars in the
image with other Helix Nebula photos, it's confirmed
the eVscope successfully found and centered the
location of the nebula in the Bortle 9+ sky.
After several days of trying to get the Unistellar telescope to work, the eVscope is still not working. Main problems are: can't connect to scope properly, wifi appears to drop out on the scope (not connected error), it disconnects during an operation, the app appears to have many
Rotating this Helix image from another
telescope confirms the stars line up with
the Unisteller photo. The Helix is NGC

7293 or Caldwell 63 and at 7.6 apparent
magnitude. Why the Helix? It was the only
object suggested for viewing from the sky
limited balcony.
connection issues with freeze up bugs, app crashes, and the scope is unstable and unusable. If you are lucky enough to get to enhanced vision, it will go for a few seconds (16 seconds) and then crash. Attached is a first light image of the Helix Nebula at 16 seconds just before it froze and enhanced vision stopped, then the notorious "not connected" error happened. However, the telescope did properly find the Helix Nebula and center it so for a short time, therefore goto worked so a brief thumbs up for that. I used an image from another telescope for comparison and by rotating the eVscope image, the brighter stars line actually up. I have contacted OPT and Unistellar and the big issue is still unresolved. I have also contacted other users of this telescope who all had similar issues, but still no fix for my telescope. Unistellar support is through email and requires several days of waiting for a reply. So far, the reply discusses issues but is not in any way troubleshooting the telescope for positive results. In any case, I'm still waiting for a reply. issues, but still no fix for my telescope. Unistellar support is through email and requires several days of waiting for a reply. So far, the reply discusses issues but is not in any way troubleshooting the telescope for positive results. In any case, I'm still waiting for a reply.