Advanced AstroImage Processsing with the Nexstar 6SE by Mike Otis at the New NTO Nexstar Telescope Observatory
One invented technique by the author takes both digital and analog to create a new advanced and enhanced representation of the COSMOS that vastly outstrips the original in many technical aspects of imaging. This employs more than one method of image processing. The image shown above is taken with a Celestron Nexstar 6SE telescope in the nebulosity area of the constellation Orion where stars are born and vasts wisps of red hydrogen fill the vastness of space and time.Techniques used are amping, a method to amplify the overall diameter of the telescope by a factor 10x and 100x, and the technique that takes the digital and combines it with the analog reminiscent of old school spectroscopic film only with the added enhancement of color. This first acquired image was shot in the throes of light pollution, upper atmospheric haze, and air pollution. These elements are subtracted out from the image to restore the clarity of the Universe with stunning success. This special occasion marks first light for the depths of deep sky Universe with the Celestron Nexstar 6SE telescope. The image is toying with the first result of additional amping to convert 6-inch diameter into 60-inch diameter, and some enhancements took it all the way up to 600-inch diameter for mind boggling incredible results.