Thursday, May 12, 2022

Acuter Mak 60mm Star Test

Acuter Mak 60mm Star Test

Star Test - when sweeping the sky to locate the planets, many stars passed through the FOV. This was surprising as usually the fog, mist, upper atmospheric haze, light and air pollution severely limit any number of stars seen. It was decided to do the star test, to look at the optical figure of the new Acuter 60mm Maksutov (Maksy) telescope. I was not expecting too much but the test was a real surprise, looking like the perfect depiction from a book showing symmetrical perfect concentric rings. How is that possible?

The telescope is definitely a keeper! If a telescope's collimation is perfect and the atmosphere is transparent and still enough, the focused image of a star will be very much like a circular dot of light. The star test was picture perfect! It's a good thing too - there are no adjustment calibration points visible on the telescope. The existing calibration at this level of precision will enable the Acuter Mak 60 telescope to have the potential to become an instrument of high resolution. On days and nights of steady seeing conditions, it will be interesting to run such tests of resolution on images of the Sun and Moon. In the future, the connection of a CMOS camera will show images of the optical alignment.