Thursday, May 12, 2022

Venus Jupiter Conjunction

Venus Jupiter Planetary Conjunction

The planets moved closer when the sky was raining and overcast for two weeks. During some partial clearing on the morning of Thursday, May 12, 2022, both Venus and Jupiter made an appearance. Jupiter, at right, was up around 30 degrees in altitude at 4:48 when this photo was taken from indoors with a mobile phone - Apple iPhone XS Max 4.25mm f/1.8 ISO500 1/30 second exposure. The photo was processed with multiple software and Apple iMax Catalina to remove window glass.

All Four Planets
Depiction: Facing southeast, all four planets in the current conjunction - this depiction shows the view to the right of the photo above, seen are two more planets - Mars and Saturn. These are currently around a half year or more from opposition and very dim, and were seen popping in and out of view through the moving clouds and haze. Light pollution and upper atmospheric haze is seasonal and is very heavy in this region of urban astronomy and can obliterate objects as bright as zero magnitude. From lower left to upper right - Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn. The diameter of the objects simulates the approximate brightness in magnitude.  Approximate color is also added.