Monday, May 23, 2022

Saturn Blazes Beyond Belief

Saturn Blazes Beyond Belief
Saturn, the ringed planet is still approaching opposition, yet offers a plethora of spectacular features for study and observation. Get your largest telescope ready for this ringed marvel to collect as many photos as possible during astro imaging as it begins to put on a show blazing beyond belief!

This view of the ringed planet Saturn shows there's much more to view other than the main ring. The planet is rich with points awaiting study - the many ring systems, the view of the globe through transparent rings, varied colors, planetary spots, the axial tilt of the rings, the atmospheric variations on the planet and a changing climate, Saturnian storms, the changing polar cap, a study of color variations in belts and bands, stars that occult through the rings, the projection of the globe's shadow onto the rings, and the many moon systems. For best results, a Celestron EdgeHD C14 CGX/L and ideal local conditions are suggested.