Friday, September 18, 2020

Unistellar Evscope Aftermath

The night sky is perfect for
running a new working

eVscope through its
paces. Visible is M42, and
bright stars like Sirius,
Capela, Rigel, Betelgeuse,
and Aldebaran at around
4:30 am local time.

The Story of Unistellar's Evscope Aftermath

It all began August 8, 2020, when my Unistellar eVscope telescope order was confirmed and the credit card was cashed for $2,999.00 and $242.99 shipping. At Customs, around 10% tax was added, an additional $350, for a total of $3,593.00, all paid in full.

In the aftermath of receiving a non-functional eVscope through OPT telescope dealer in the USA, I waited over 20 days for a replacement MicroSD card from Unistellar.

After installing the new card, the scope was still non-functional and remained stuck on the purple power light, the exact same problem as before. As of Friday, September 17th, 2020, I'm waiting for instructions from Unistellar for telescope replacement. As this telescope was assembled in China, and apparently not checked in China, not checked in France, and not checked by the dealer OPT, I reminded Unistellar to test the new telescope under the night sky before shipping it.