Thursday, January 19, 2023

World Class Terrain 2,400-Inch Telescope & Observatory Construction Underway

Spectacular Telescope Amping, a telescope diameter amplification technique developed by Mike Otis over a ten year period, vastly enhances the primary objective mirrors of telescopes to create massive new scopes thousands of inches in diameter. Is it real, novel, a virtual spinoff, or something that goes beyond a technological divergence along the space time continuum, you decide.

Here, the M27 amped telescope view has stripped away the most wild imaginations of space and time penetration in an experimental catch. These runs often produce visuals never seen before through such large telescopes. Amateurs and professionals who sift through this visually treated data are often blown away according to their testimonials.

On the Orion Nebula, the imagery was so overexposed it appeared to "burn" holes into digital latent photographic image emulsive baselines. Mike Otis states, "this is an exciting era and it holds exactly the results desired and opens up the potential for exploration with massive diameter telescopes, for fun and taking a new look at space time - we've only just begun." A small original capture from which the amping is based upon, is seen to the upper left in the imagery, preserved and watermark embedded in amped results for memorable historical posterity.

Construction Underway
World Class Terrain 2,400-Inch Telescope & Observatory

Breaking News - January 2023
by Mike Otis of Telescope Builder Power & Otis Astro Imaging

Work began on the World Class Earth-based 2,400-inch telescope during the week of January 15, 2023. In a massive project instigated by Telescope Maker Mike Otis - founder of United Telescope Builder Power, the new telescope will contain and harbor all of Singularity Observatory technology developed over the past 21 years for increasing telescope size to massive proportions and that of future ongoing technology inventions to give astounding results.

There's a massive series of world class telescopes being developed over at Singularity Observatory in the South Pacific Ocean. Most are enhanced and exceed their quoted diameters. See chart below.

Technology Views & the Sky Roof
Not without its own share of exorbitant expense, and intended construction timelines, the new 2,400-inch telescope is going to contain its own sky roof, the largest new concept in telescope observatory with a design that permits global world wide in-situ views for any cardinal direction amidst the top realm of the tallest world skyscrapers available and deals in Otis-derived power processing systems to penetrate light pollution, atmospheric haze, air pollution, sky fog, and various clouds.

Computer and AGI Control
The potentials of a 5-tiered system of automatic telescope control are in the works. Thus far, a new fourth commanding computer has been acquiesced for the system and is being coded and configured by programmer Otis. The telescope will be strong on Apple Mac technology, including one iMac supercomputer, an upgraded Macbook Air with the new M2 chip, a secondary iMac equipped with the extreme limits of amping power and magnitude, Apple tablet converted to a full computer with a keyboard and all required resources, and last but not least, the system includes Big Brain Technologies' AGI Artificial General Intelligence machine person.

Location of the Largest Telescope in the World
The location, while initially kept under wraps, will have a new point of Singularity in the South Pacific Ocean where the finest sky conditions exist during seasonal variations. A literal abundance of ongoing space and sciences research departments will continue to conduct studies to penetrate haze, light and air pollution as needed to keep such massive Terran telescopes seasonally active and thus maximum time and power useful across the next generation of telescope evolution.

Enhanced Performance
Enhanced performances across the board - not only will the scope have the latest AMPING built it but it will also have additional upper high end performance enhanced optics for the highest content of light gather power. As far as we can tell, the glass primary objective will be oversized but how much over the 2,400-inch diameter baseline remains to be seen. The enhanced Secondary Diagonal optics will harbor a massive chunk of glass amped to approximately 500-inches across! Enhancements made optically often allow a telescope to perform in terms of light gathering power, like a much larger telescope according to users - a 6-inch like an 8-inch, or a 14-inch like an 16 inch, or a 2,400-inch that remains to be determined.

Teran Telescopes
South Pacific Ocean Singularity Observatory
Single Primary Glass Cast (not mmt)
* diameter in meters


Background & History
Singularity Observatory Technologies is the brainchild of its owner and operator, Mike Otis of Telescope Builder Power, and includes an array of the world's most powerful terrain telescopes, including the 1,225-inch, the 1,325-inch, the 1,800 inch and now the new 2,400-inch. In the Mike Otis Interview, he talks about his astronomical comeback and "this will likely be the largest terrain-built and managed telescope in my entire astro career lifetime, and well.. you never know what that might lead to..."

Origins of the Singularity Observatory
The Singularity Observatory Suite of telescopes were developed by Mike Otis, the founder of Telescope Builder Power and Singularity Observatory. Otis is a direct descendent of Elisha Otis, the world renown inventor of the Safety Elevator and Otis United Technologies that changed the world. Mike Otis founded United Laboratories - a technological science conglomerate for pushing the boundaries of experimental space science, and is the writer for four blogging websites linked below.

Otis is founder, editor, and publisher of international OTM Observatory Techniques Magazine from 1992 through 1997, culminating with an online version. The issues are mainly an ink printed magazine beginning in black and white, leading to color, and introduced the concept Telescope Builder Power which included many new powerful ways to design, create and use telescopes. From time to time, Otis makes reprints available.
Otis Astroimaging

United Space Technologies

Big Brain Technologies
Humanoid Robots

World Class Terrain 2,400-Inch Telescope & Observatory
OTM Observatory Techniques Magazine

OTM Observatory Techniques Magazine Star of Bethlehem